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God’s Perfect, Unknown, Plan – Philemon

God’s Perfect, Unknown, Plan

Turn with me to the Book of Philemon. Philemon is right before Hebrews.

This 1 chapter book, Philemon, was written by Paul in the early A.D. time period, maybe as early as A.D. 60. Paul was in prison in Rome while he wrote this letter to Philemon.

Just to give you a quick overview, Paul wrote this letter to a fellow Christian named Philemon. Philemon was a leader in the local church, possibly the pastor, and was also a slave owner. This use of the word slave is translated as ‘servant’ in other verses of the New Testament.

One of Philemon’s servants, or slaves, named Onesimus had apparently stolen from him and then run away, which was punishable by death under Roman law at the time.

He ran all the way to Rome, where he just happened buy God’s perfect plan, to meet a man named Paul. We all know that part of Paul’s ministry was to the lost people in his time.

Onesimus was a servant of Philemon, a thief who was now in debt to Philemon, a criminal, but more importantly, a new convert when he got to Rome.

Onesimus the slave of Philemon is converted to Christianity by Paul while one the run in Rome.

Onesimus now sees clearly his sin and is willing to go back to Philemon and face the charges against him.

Paul writes this letter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus in the hope that Philemon will have mercy on him, but not just mercy, Paul has a bigger idea in mind.

Let’s begin reading in verse 1.

Philemon 1:1-3 – Paul starts his letter in a very traditional way. He says who he is, and then who he is writing to.

Apphia is most likely Philemon’s wife and business partner, and member of the local church. Archippus is most likely a leader in the church that meets in Philemon’s home.

In Philemon 1:4 Paul begins his letter, by building rapport with Philemon. Paul remembers back when he was with Philemon and the times that they shared together.

Paul has heard reports about what Philemon is doing, and is happy that he is continuing in the faith.

Maybe Philemon is wondering who told Paul all of these good things, and he thinks about the people his church has sent to help Paul in his work.

Then Paul says something in verse 6 that really stands out.

Paul prays that Philemon will be active in sharing his faith “so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.�?

Wow, what is Paul saying here? Read Philemon 1:6 again.

This verse is really shocking to me because if we turn it around it says that if we are not sharing our faith, we will not have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

This leads us to our first point.

1. Share your faith and you will understand the good of God.

Verse 6 gives us insight into an area we know very little about. What happens to us when we witness? What happens in your mind and your heart when you go out and tell someone about Jesus Christ?

We know what happens to the other person, they have an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ’s free gift of eternal life, but what happens to the person sharing the love of Christ?

For me, I am always overjoyed when I do what I know God is calling me to do. God is calling each one of us to share our faith.

When we do, not only does another person have a chance to accept Christ and go to heaven, but we also gain a little understand into the good things that God has specifically set apart for those who share the faith they have in Christ.

Dale Losch asked the question this morning, “Who would share Christ with someone if you earned $1,000 every time you did it?�?

It’s a funny question and made me smile thinking about God paying us to do his will, but think about it…

Would you share your faith more often? Would you quit your job and do it full time? I would venture to guess that 99% of people would quit their jobs immediately and start sharing Christ with everyone they could get to listen.

What a sad time we live in that instead of being motivated because God sent His Son to die for us, we have to be motivated by money…what do we get in return is more important than what someone else gets out of what we share.

Verse 7-9 Paul probably led Philemon to Christ at one time in the past. Paul plays his trump card and tells Philemon that he could “order�? or “command�? him to do what is right, he doesn’t want to.

Paul holds enough power that if he were to tell Philemon something, Philemon would do it…but Paul doesn’t want it to be like that. Paul wants Philemon to make the decision.

Verse 10 is where Philemon finds out what this is all about.

However, first imagine this. Philemon is sitting at home when someone comes and knocks at his door. It is Onesimus. I bet the first thing he wanted to do was call the police and have his arrested.

Immediately Onesimus pleads with him to let him speak for one second. Onesimus explains that one his travel he met a man named Paul and Paul sent him back home with a letter for none other than Philemon.

Philemon takes this letter and begins reading just like we did, then he comes to verse 10.

Paul tells Philemon that Onesimus is now a Christian!

Verse 11 says that Onesimus was once “useless�? which is funny since Onesimus means “useful�?.

Paul says that this kid who was named “useful�? was actually “useless�?, but now, the kid named “useful�? is living up to his name, and is now “useful�?.

In verse 12-13 Paul tells Philemon how important Onesimus is to him, which leads us to our second point.

2. Words matter

You can think a person is great at something, and you can think a person does a good job, but they don’t know what you are thinking.

Ephesians 4:29 tells us to build each other up according to their needs. Most people need words of encouragement.

When we realize that our words matter, and that our thoughts don’t help others, we can truly make a difference in someone’s life.

Onesimus now knows that Paul wanted him to stay in Rome because he was such a great help to Paul. In fact, he was such a great help, he could pick up where Philemon left off.

Paul then lays a big guilt trip on Philemon in verse 14. Paul tells Philemon that he wanted to keep Onesimus, but didn’t want to step on Philemon’s toes so he sent him back. However, Paul tells him he sent him back so that if Philemon wanted to send him back, it would be spontaneous and not forced.

Paul didn’t want to dictate what Philemon did, but he sure wasn’t shy when he told him what he wanted him to do.

In verse 15-16 Paul now is fighting for Onesimus’ freedom from slavery. He tells Philemon that Onesimus is very dear to him as a brother.

And in verse 17 Paul wants Onesimus to be welcomed just as Paul would be welcomed.

Imagine again that Philemon and Onesimus are still standing in the doorway while Philemon is reading this letter.

Philemon is still mad at Onesimus, but is holding back his anger. Now he is not only an employer who has to set a good example, but also a more mature Christian who has to set a good example.

These next few moments will be remembered by Onesimus forever.

Verse 18-19 Paul is willing to pay whatever debt that Onesimus owes. Paul knows that Philemon wouldn’t hold Paul to a debt since Paul is in jail for the cause of Christ, but he wants to let Philemon know that Onesimus did something wrong while not saved, but now he is saved and should be forgiven.

That leads us to our third point.

3. Forgive since you have been forgiven

It is pretty obvious how we have been forgiven. Christ died on the cross once, and for everyone so that we would not have to spend eternity in hell.

The least we can do is to forgive someone who sins against us.

Philemon knows this as well.

At the end of verse 19 is where Paul is really starting to lay it on thick. He reminds Philemon that he led him to Christ…just incase he forgot some time during the letter.

Verse 21 is very profound as well. Paul says “Confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I ask.�?

Paul is asking Philemon to not send Onesimus to his death, but to welcome his as a brother. What more could Paul be asking when he says “knowing that you will do even more than I ask�??

I think that Paul was suggesting that Philemon should set Onesimus free. Let the burden of slavery no longer be upon Onesimus. Onesimus is a new man with a new lease on life…let him out of his slavery.

Verse 22 – I’ll be coming soon, get a room ready for me!

Paul wants Philemon to know how serious about this he is. In fact, when he gets out of prison, he will be coming to see how everything is doing with the Colossians.

1. Share your faith and you will understand the good of God. (Philemon 1:6)

2. Words matter. (Philemon 1:12-13)

3. Forgive since you have been forgiven. (Philemon 1:18-19)

As we close, think about these things.

Are you sharing your faith?

Are you giving other people words of encouragement? Building others up?

Are you quick to forgive?

By |July 18th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Getting guidance for your decisions

Getting guidance for your decisions

Has anyone ever received a love letter? You know, the kind that says “Love you forever�? or “Friends forever�? or “If you ever need anything, call me.�?

I once got a few of these so-called love letters from a girl in 8th grade. At the end of these letters she would write “I’ll always miss you when were apart.�? And she doesn’t miss me anymore. She would also write, “Best friends forever.�? And we haven’t talked since we graduated 8th grade.

These letters that I received, and some of you received also, were full of broken promises, promises of everlasting love and friendship and all kinds of stuff that isn’t true today.

Well, there is another love letter that was written to each one of you, it’s called the Bible. It’s full of promises from the creator of the universe. Promises that will never change, or ever get broken.

I’m going to tell you about this “Love Letter�? today. My goal is for you not to just put this letter in a shoebox, or under your bed, or in a drawer somewhere.

God’s love letter is not only completely true, but it also stands the test of time. The letters that I received in 8th grade weren’t true, and they didn’t stand the test of time.

There are 3 ways to make decisions as I see it:

1. Internal – What you want to do
2. External – What others want you to do
3. Eternal – What GOD wants you to do

The myth that you are being taught by society and at school is that:

I heard one teacher who said “There are no absolute truths.�? So the student in the class raised his hand and said “Are you absolutely sure?�?

You see, its an illogical statement

In your notes it has a truth

In the “REAL WORLD�? you are taught there is no truth
• “I do what I want to do.�?
• “I don’t believe GOD established any values.�?
• “I don’t need GOD’s values.�?

The result of “I do what I want to do.�? Creates a sense that “I am my own god.�?

“I don’t believe GOD established any values.�? I don’t believe god laid down any rules for decision-making. Resulting in belief that GOD is unnecessary.

“I don’t need GOD’s values.�? Results in anything goes.


Read John 8:31

1. Make a commitment to live God’s WAY
Imagine playing Scrabble with a friend and he puts a word that he made up. If he can go to the dictionary and find that word, if doesn’t matter any longer what you think, he gets the points. But if that word isn’t in there, it doesn’t matter what he thinks he gets no points.

See where I’m going with this?

While living your life, and your friend gives you advice on a decision, and you look it up in the Bible, and find that his advice is wrong, it doesn’t matter anymore what advice he gave, you checked it our yourself and found the truth.

The Bible is like the Cliff’s notes for living.

“Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time.�? Proverbs 2:9

God doesn’t want you to live your life in turmoil because of bad decisions, he said in Proverbs 2:9 “You will know how to find the right course of action every time.�?

2. Learn God’s TEACHINGS

You may say Brandon, I’m totally sold out, I’ve been a Christian for 10 years, and haven’t missed one church service in the last 4 years.

I could say to you, “Do you believe this book (Bible) from cover to cover?�? and you would say, “Yeah man I believe it.�? Then my question to you would be, “do you know what’s in it?�? “Have you read it?�?

Its one thing for you to come and Randy, Greg, or myself to teach you for 30 minutes a week, its another thing for you to teach yourself during the week.

If I made a commitment to become a professional boxer, I need to learn what it takes to be a boxer.

If you make a commitment to live by God’s way, you need to learn what it takes to live by God’s way.

This Bible isn’t just a history book, it’s a living love letter, and the greatest one you’ll ever read.

“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true (Circle the word “true�?) and to make us realize what is wrong (Circle the word “wrong�?) in our live. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right(Circle the word “right�?). It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.�? 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Now look what you just circled. What is TRUE, WRONG, and RIGHT.

Some of the most desperate people in the world are those who are in jail. And they are the ones who are raising their hands saying “Can I have a Bible?�?

If you know a little about history, when Nixon was going down for the Watergate scandal his right hand man was named Chuck Colson, and before Nixon resigned, Colson went to jail. And there in jail, at the bottom of the barrel, as bad as it gets, someone shared the worlds greatest love letter with him.

What is TRUE, What is WRONG, and What is RIGHT.

And there in jail, Chuck Colson gave his life to Christ and made a commitment to live by God’s Standards.

After that day, he never went back to politics you know what he did? He went into ministry. He developed the largest prison ministry ever. His prison ministry is in every single jail in the nation. People are desperate; they want to know what is TRUE, what is WRONG, and what is RIGHT.

READ “GOD’S WORD�? Bullet points.

I encourage you to look those verses up when you have some time.

3. Keep you commitment to God’s way when its not PRACTICAL or EASY.

Don’t think its ok to cheat on just one test, or compromise to make your life easier at the time.

The truth is that the Bible was true when it was written, and it is true to this very day.

If I take a rock, a simple and plain rock, around the world in a hot air balloon, then deep sea diving, then I throw it on the ground, then kick it all the way to New York, the truth is, its still a rock.

The rock is a rock no matter where you take it.

Just because a situation changes, don’t drop your commitment to God.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him…�?And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.�? John 8:31-32

4. Be REFRESHED by God’s Love Letter daily…for the rest of your life.

“You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk…�? 1 Peter 2:2

My biggest dog just recently had a small puppy that now looks like a guinea pig, and whenever this little pig cries, Annie the dog, gets up from whatever she is doing and runs in there, licks its butt, and gives it milk.

This little pig’s cry is easy for her to hear, and she hears it ever time.

This is how God is to us, when he hears us cry out, he immediately is there to help us, and guide us.

I want to challenge you right now, if you’re ready to grow, if your ready to base your life on God’s Standard.

Some of you have tried to read this (Bible). Maybe you started at the beginning, and got bored, or maybe you just picked it up in the middle and didn’t understand it, my challenge is this.

Ask someone for help, if your ready to take the next step in your relationship with Christ, this is the most important second step you can take is to read the Bible, and understand what you read.

I’m not going to have you raise your hands in front of everyone and say “I’m willing to read my Bible and apply it�? because that’s too easy. My challenge is this, just do it.

Go home today, and before the sun rises tomorrow morning, read your bible.

When you read, don’t try to read as much as you can before falling asleep, read slowly, read it twice, read it as many times as it takes until you understand it.

If you read it a few times and still don’t understand it, get out a piece of paper, and write down what you don’t understand, and on Wednesday, or next Sunday, or even during the week, ask someone whom you respect spiritually, “what does this mean?�?

And if you can do that, if you’re willing to do that, God is going to bless you, you will see changes in your life, and your friends will too.

If you don’t have a Bible, let Greg or I know, if you don’t know where to read, as Greg, your small group leader, or myself and we’ll put you where you should start.

There will be no excuses allowed when you get to heaven, so don’t make them here either. You say you don’t have time to read the bible? Do you go to the bathroom every day? Enough said.

Look at the verse at the bottom of your paper.

“Those who love your Word have great peace and do not stumble.�? Psalm 119:165

If you open you Bible to somewhere right near the middle you’ll find a book called Proverbs that coincidently has 31 chapters. Since tomorrow is the 21st, you could start in chapter 21, or you could just start in chapter 1 and go from there. Proverbs is all about gaining wisdom, living right, being successful, wise relationships, and so on.

You can blow this off if you want, and be like the King of Granada.

When his kingdom was captured, he was put in solitary confinement for 33 years, with just one book…the Bible.

With this one book to read, he read it over 200 times. The book became his constant companion. Then after 33 years of being alone with just the bible, he died. When they came to clean out his cell, they found some notes he had written, these were some of them.

The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, and the shortest is Psalm 117.

Psalm 117 is the middle chapter of the Bible.

The longest verse is Esther 8:9, and the shortest is John 11:35(KJV)

Fifty one parables Jesus spoke are within the New Testament.

Esther and Song of Solomon are the only books of the bible that don’t mention the word “God�?

The Bible contains 773,692 words.

From all of his writings, we know that he never wrote about a relationship with Jesus Christ, but he became an expert of Bible Trivia.

One last thought: God wants you to live life to its FULLEST. He knows how to make that happen. Choose TRUTH and win big or choose THE LIE and lose big.

Do you want to be a winner or loser?

By |July 18th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Get Real or Get Out!

Get Real or Get Out!

Intro – Story/Joke

What is a real Christian – “One who follows Christ�? – First used in Antioch (Acts 11:26)

Not a churchgoer, not a pastor, not a missionary, “One who follows Christ�?

Talked about before – What do people at work, Friends, Family see when they look at you? Someone like them, or someone who is following Christ?

Do you words match your actions?

Do you only say you’re a Christian, or is it apparent through your actions?

World doesn’t need more people to claim Christ is in them, it needs more people who allow Christ to live through them.

1 John 4:4 …the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Greater is He…Rather than, greater is He that I claim to be in me…

Read Revelation 3:14-20

We are going to talk about someone who is lukewarm, what does that mean?

Let me relate it to having a Fever. There are over 300 illnesses that you could get, and have a Fever as a symptom.

On the other hand, you don’t just get a fever. You either have an infection, or some problem that causes the fever as a symptom.

The same is true with being lukewarm. If you are lukewarm, there are underlying factors.

Maybe you have no desire to know God more personally.
Maybe you have no desire to read the Bible.

There are a million different reasons why you could be lukewarm, but the point is that you need to find out why.

People may know you go to church, and you say you’re a Christian, but are you truly “following Christ�??

If you are not truly “following Christ�?, tonight is your chance to get it right, no more pretending.

If you are not truly “following Christ�?, and you don’t want to follow Christ, I urge your to get real, or get out.

If you don’t want to get right with God, and “follow Christ�?, you are lukewarm…your words don’t match your actions and you do more harm than good.

Lukewarm water does not quench thirst. Someone who claims Christ’s power in their life, but does not live it, will not quench a persons desire to know God.

You can’t be 2 faced. You may be able to fool people at church, they see you once a week, but you won’t be able to fool your family, and co-workers.

Then when I try to witness to them, they say they already know about Christians, and they think of you, and everything bad you’ve done…and who doesn’t really care to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and follow him as Lord.

Read Rev 3:15-16

4 Chairs

We’re going to look at 4 types of people.

• In the first chair here is someone who does not want to know God and does not know God.

• In the second chair is someone who does not want to know God but knows God in spite of himself. He really doesn’t want any real part of it but religiosity has always been a family thing that he just does out of habit – he goes to church because it is the thing to do. There could be a myriad of reasons – but he is not here for Christ.

• In this third chair here is a man who wants Christianity but he really does not have it. He believes the stuff he hears in church and he likes it — in his mind — but he has never let it into his heart. He is always a hearer of the word but never a doing. The best way to describe him would be in direct contrast to be a living sacrifice. He still conforms to the pattern of the world, and he likes it that way.

• Then in this fourth chair you have the man who wants it and indeed has it. He will testify and tell others about the love of God. He has been crucified with Christ and it shows – there is lasting fruit.

The middle two chairs are what the Bible is referring to a lukewarm.

• This guy over here is the first chair is cold – but he’s honest about it.

• This guy over here in the fourth chair is hot and he’s honest about it.

• These two guys over here in these two middle chairs are lukewarm and they are liars about it.

The guy in the 4th chair, who is Hot, is trying to bring the guy who is Cold over to his side, and it appears that the two in the middle are already on his side, when in reality, they are just as lost as the guy who is cold.

One of the characteristic symptoms of someone who is Cold is a kind of chronic indifference towards the things of God—a lack of interest in prayer, Scripture, fellowship.

They enjoy church when it is convenient, and they are excited about 12 o’clock because they can “get on with their day�?.

Dismiss chair people.

Let’s read on in Revelation 3 starting in verse 19.

“Those whom I love�? God still loves those who are lukewarm, but he desires they repent from the middle chairs.

V20 I stand at the door and knock. IF anyone…

It has to be a personal choice between you and God.

Tonight at the end of the service, if you find yourself sitting in one of the first three chairs, you will have a chance to get out of those chairs, and get into the 4th chair.

By |July 18th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Forgiveness with a Twist

Forgiveness with a Twist

Our text today is in Ephesians 4 and we are talking about something you’ve all heard a million times. Forgive others.

Ephesians 4:31-32 (Read).

I was sitting there thinking, “I’ve heard about forgiveness a million times�? and begun to tune him out when God focused me.

His name was Ron Blanc, and he was the speaker at the Madera County Men of Integrity retreat. Through this man, God touched my life more than he has in a long time.

You see, up until that day, to me forgiveness was defined as “stopping my resentment or anger towards someone who offended me.�? Would you agree that is a pretty good definition?

Webster has a very similar definition. But I learned something that is deeper that Webster ever thought about going. If you take what I’ve learned and apply it to your life, I will guarantee that your life will be changed permanently.

After hearing that out loud, I think I may have a career in late night infomercial sales…

Ok, back to the importance of this. If you will forget everything you know about forgiveness, and learn the Biblical version of forgiveness, God will change your life forever.

Let’s read Ephesians 4:31-32 again. Through these two short verses, you can learn the same thing that I learned, and be changed forever.

In verse 31 Paul talks about various different things in verse 31 that either are sin, or they lead to sin.

In the beginning of verse 31, Paul does not say “Get rid of most of your…�? Paul says, “Get rid of all…�? All obviously means everything.

So in our lives Paul tell us to get rid of these things we are going to look at. They are no good in our lives.

As we go through these words that Paul uses, look at the progression from bad to worse

The first thing Paul tells us to remove is bitterness. Bitterness literally means a bitter taste, something acrid or poison. Think of eating a piece of rotten fruit, or spoiled milk. That is nasty, as is bitterness.

Bitterness is an awful trait to carry around with you. Have you ever met a bitter person? Everyone is always out to get them, they always get the short end of the stick, and they always have something to complain about.

These are bitter people, and you may have bitterness in your life. Get rid of it.

Bitterness leads to resentment. Have you ever been in a situation that was just a bad situation. Maybe the situation left you feeling a little bitter. Maybe you even felt resentment.

One time I got my oil changed, and that oil change came with a free car wash. My wife and I were sitting in the car going through the car wash. The guy that pre-washes the car with the brush was washing the windshield when he hit the windshield with the wooden part of the broom and cracked it.

It was just a small crack, but it had already started to spread. When we got out of the car wash I went inside and talked to the owner of the car wash. I explained the situation to him.

He told me, “My guys wouldn’t do that.�? So I told him I watched his guy do it with my own eyes.

To make a long story short, this owner refused to make any reconciliation about the matter. I was definitely bitter after that, and resented him for a long time.

That leads us to our next point.

The next thing Paul tells us to get rid of is rage. The Greek word for Rage is “thoo-mos�? from which we get the word “Thermal�? meaning heat. “Thoo-mos�? means “passion�? or an “intense feeling�?.

Bitterness (the offense) leads to Rage (resentment building inside you). The heat you feel when someone breaks your window and denies it. That is rage.

Think of it like a volcano. Volcano’s first have to exist, that is the bitterness that begins at the first offense. Then volcanos have to begin building under the surface. That is the rage.

Rage can be controlled, this isn’t yet the outbreak, but rage when not controlled leads to…in verse 31…Anger.

Anger is when things start to get bad. Anger is the outpouring of the rage that was building under the surface.

Anger is the liquid hot magma that is now pouring out of the volcano.

Anger is the time where this progression gets dangerous. Imagine that magma pouring out of the volcano. This magma destroys everything in its path. Magma is so hot that you can’t even stand by it or your will get burned.

This is a great example of anger. Let’s not be self-incriminating, but have you ever been around ANOTHER person who was angry? No matter what you do, that person is going to snap at you or yell?

Anger is dangerous at this point because this is where the magma comes out. Anger takes one of two courses right here. Anger turned toward someone else, as in homicide, and anger turned inside such as with suicide.

In Ephesians 4:26 Paul quotes Psalm 4:4 which says, “In your anger do not sin�?.

What do we learn from this? Paul tells us to “get rid of all…anger�? but also “in your anger do not sin�? it seems like a contradiction.

I believe that Paul is saying that anger is not inherently sinful. It is however, a very tight rope. To me, it is the same with drinking alcohol.

The Bible does not specifically condemn drinking alcohol (if you are the legal age) but it does tell us not to cause another brother to stumble. And for me, I look at which is more important. Let’s read 1 Corinthians 8:9-13.

Is it more important that the law says I can drink alcohol and the Bible doesn’t forbid it? Or is it more important that I set a good example to someone who might be watching me, even when I don’t see them?

That is why I have never drank alcohol, not even a taste. I don’t ever want someone to fall into sin because of something they saw in me, or saw me do.

That is also why we should avoid becoming angry. There is a direct correlation here. The definition of anger is “feeling or showing anger, wrathful�?. The definition of wrath is “strong vengeful anger�?. This is not something as followers of Christ that we should have in our lives.

That is what I believe Paul is trying to tell us. Paul says, “Get rid of all…anger�? and also says, “In your anger do not sin�?. Paul says to remove it from your life, but if it creeps back in, deal with it, don’t sin as a result of it being in your life.

That is the anger…or the magma.

The next step is slander and brawling. We will combine the two. Depending on what version of the Bible you read, you may not have brawling listed.

Slander and brawling is a dangerous time. This is the anger in action. This is the volcano that makes the news headlines which say, “Volcano destroys village!�?

This is the blasphemous attacks at the character level. This isn’t child’s play. This is flat out character defamation. These words and action are damaging and destroying.

But on the good side, these are just words.

Let’s move on to the end. “Get rid of all…malice.�? Do you know what malice means? This one is serious. Webster says malice is:
1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another
2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse

This isn’t a laughing matter, when this progression leads to malice. Malice is the actual acts that we have been talking about, this is the physical attack on someone, suicide, homicide, or violence of some sort.

Why have we spent so much time on this one verse? Everyone, at one time or another will find themselves in the progression.

Whether you realize it at the anger stage when you are mad, at the slander stage when you are so mad you are yelling at someone, or at the malice stage when it is too late the physical damage has been done, everyone will find themselves in this progression of anger.

There is an answer and it lies in the very next verse, Ephesians 4:32.

“forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.�? How did Christ forgive us? He died on the cross for us. But Christ didn’t just die on the cross for us, he died on the cross for us before we even knew him.

Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.�? That is amazing. While we were still sinners Christ died for us.

So how do we do that, Eph 4:32 tells us to forgive as God forgave right?

Let me tell you a story about a man who had a young daughter. His daughter was 12 and went with a neighbor family on vacation to Lake Tahoe.

She went with this family as the baby sitter during the evenings when the parents wanted to spend time together alone. During the middle of their week long vacation one of the kids she was babysitting grabbed her new Bible her dad had just bought her and ripped the cover off of the front and the back.

This was the first nice Bible her parents had bought her, and she treasured it, and was obviously upset when the parents arrived home.

She explained that the baby had ripped the Bible and how upset she was because it was the first nice Bible she had received from her parents.

The mother of these kids yelled at her telling her that if she would have been doing her job and not reading the Bible that it would not have happened.

This 12 year old girl was upset and called her parents at 10 pm that night and told them the whole story. Her dad had to preach the next morning so he sent a friend on the 5 hour drive to pick up his daughter.

When she arrived at home he told her everything was going to be ok and that they would talk about it in the morning. When he got home that next morning, his daughter was still sitting on her bed, she hadn’t gone to sleep all night.

The father asked his daughter if she would like to forgive these people for what they did, and do something nice for them. The daughter agreed and they decided to bake a cherry pie together.

That day after the neighbors got home from Tahoe, this father and daughter took this pie to their neighbor’s house. The mother answered the door. The 12 year old daughter handed the lady the pie in a glass container.

The neighbor took the dish and slammed in down onto the cement shattering the dish and sending cherry pie everywhere. She then proceeded to slam the door in their face.

As the father and daughter walked back across the street to their home, they stopped and sat on the curb and the father asked his daughter “If the same situation happened again, would you do the same thing? Would you still show forgiveness when you have a justified right to be mad?�?

The daughter answered “Yes�?. That is forgiveness like Christ forgave. The father in this story was our speaker at the men’s retreat Ron Blanc, and his daughter is now in her 40’s.

How does forgiveness like this work? How did God through Christ forgive us?

God forgave us before we ever sinned. He knew that we would sin when we were alive, and he forgave us before we were even born.

Here is the life changing principle. If you are going to be able to forgive like the bible calls us to do “forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you,�? we have to live a lifestyle of forgiveness.

That means that no matter what happens we are more prepared to forgive someone than we are to get mad.

You’ve already forgiven someone before they’ve even offended you. Christ forgave us before we had sinned, and in order to forgive like Christ we have to be forgive others before they offend us.

Before the pie hits the floor, you need to know how you are going to react, and the bible tells us that our reaction should be one of forgiveness.

Salvation invitation – you have received forgiveness whether you accept it or not. The price has been paid whether you accept it or not.

You were forgiven before you were born.

By |July 18th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments