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Jim Boykin says, “Brandon Hopkins is cool!”

As I said yesterday, “Technorati thinks I’m cool”. Today it’s Jim Boykin’s turn. He thinks this blog is so cool that he is offering me a free We Build Pages wall clock!

Jim, thanks for the wonderful opportunity to get a wall clock. Jim Boykin says, “Brandon Hopkins is cool!”I don’t really need another wall clock, but I would like some free ($720 or so) advertising for a certain problematic website I have. It won’t rank for crap and I can’t seem to get the stupid thing linkbaited. 🙂

So here is my official entry to the Jim Boykin $720 in free ads contest. Since you’re going to choose based on who knows what, I think that I should win because I have a new (28 day old) baby that needs a new pair of shoes! (No, she doesn’t really wear shoes yet, but I’ll invest the earnings and buy her two pairs when she’s 5 years old.

By |May 30th, 2007|Contests, Link Building|7 Comments

Technorati says, “ is cool!”

Well, basically Technorati says, “ is cool!”  They didn’t use those exact words, but by listing me in the top 18,000 they obviously think I’m cooler that a lot of people.

Thanks Technorati, now maybe someone will buy some advertising and my bank account will think I’m cool too.

By |May 29th, 2007|About Me|0 Comments

Client Work vs. Blog Posting

As usual, I commit to posting regularly to this blog then I let things slide. It’s in my nature to start a new project then drop that project for something more interesting. Currently it has been some stupid tower defense Shoemoney posted about (stupid because it’s been wasting my time like crazy), Starcraft (the OG of games), and a client website.

I was reading a post Michael Gray wrote about client work and blogging. It’s true, clients don’t want to see you posting new posts to your blog when their deadline is up. That post reminded me about making money online.

There are two distinct methods to making money online. Work for yourself or work for others. Currently I do both. Currently I do a LOT of work for myself and a little work for others. Most of my work for others is website design for my company AfterHim Media.

However, as I said I tend to get distracted from a project very quickly. With that fact in mind, I’m going to try something new this month. I’m going to stay focused on ONE project for the entire month.

I don’t know if it is possible for me to stay that mentally focused and not sway, but we’ll give it a go. My monthly goal is going to be $5k a month. That could come from someone wanting to hire me full time for one month (I do social media marketing, design, and other SEO/SEM related marketing) or whether that is me writing for this blog or one of my many niche sites.

I am still in the process of deciding on what project I will take on for next month but it will be a personal project because I don’t have any business projects lined up right now. Currently I’m thinking about trying to linkbait my business cards website or try to get this blog to make some cash.

This blog is pretty easy to monetize because of the traffic that it gets. The business card website is more difficult because linkbaiting for “business cards” isn’t easy. Here you can see my first attempt. I realize that I’m late with the HD-DVD jokes, but sometimes I’m a little slow on the funny bandwagon. Look for a Paris Hilton business card soon. That will be just in time for her taking over Martha Stewart’s jail cell.

So what do you think, should I work on this blog or my business card site in June? Or do you want to hire me instead?

By |May 28th, 2007|About Me, Make Money Online|7 Comments

Page Rank isn’t About Links

Page Rank isn’t about links, it’s true. Page Rank is Google’s silly way of giving us value on our domains, but trust me, links don’t matter. I don’t know what actually does matter, maybe it is unique visitors, maybe amount of unique content.

Here is some proof:

I have two sites, one with about 5 incoming links, one with 1500. Which should have higher PR?

PR 3 Here are the incoming links for site 1…only about 5 links are coming from outside sites.

PR 0 Here are the incoming links for site 2…over 1,000 links coming from outside sites.

You decide, is Page Rank really about links or is the wool firmly over our collective eyes?

By |May 27th, 2007|SEO/SEM|7 Comments