A “best case proposal” is often referred to as a sunshine proposal, and the opposite is called a rainy day proposal. Most people will find themselves somewhere in the middle of the spectrum for their financial situation. I tend to be conservative in my investments and the amount of money I feel comfortable having as liquid assets. What about you? Do you prefer to have your money in a risky investment that might yield greater returns, or do you prefer something safer?
If you’re reading this post, hopefully you’re interested in making money online. If that’s the case, the absolute best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. Often
times this type of investment isn’t even a financial investment. Investing in yourself can look different for most people. For me, it’s a belief that I can do whatever I put my mind to and focus on. I’ve seen this time and time again. Given enough time and adequate resources, we can all become anything we want right? You want to become a Fortune 500 CEO? You can either join a company and work your way up, then get hired as a CEO, or you can start a company that become so large it’s part of the Fortune 500. Both of those situations are completely possible with enough time and resources. For most of us, having adequate resources will be tough to find.
What about more modest goals such as retiring early and devoting yourself completely to your family or your passions? That’s absolutely possible! You first need a starting point, and a strategy. Can you create vector graphics? Can you write simple articles? Are you technical and can create websites? Can you sell something?
On a side note regarding sales, I’m always looking for people who can close pre-qualified leads. If that’s you, contact me.
So are you a sun shining kind of person with all your money the stock market? Do you have it all in savings earning 1%? A mix of both?
Photo of California Sunrise courtesy of SF Brit.
I tend to be like you only willing to put a little out there at a time. I want to be safe in my decisions knowing that slowly but surely I will meet my goals. I have never been a risk taker, but I know hard work will pay off. As long as I keep my goals in mind I will reach them eventually.