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General news from around the globe.

Going To South Dakota

Never been to South Dakota, but my Father-in-Law moved there a few months ago.

We hope to visit Mount Rushmore and a few other landmarks. Any tips on what to see and the best places to go? Post a comment and tell me where to go in SD!

By |July 12th, 2006|News|0 Comments

Super Ultra Mega Double Hold Hair Gel

So I was at the store trying buy some hair gel. One every bottle I looked at was a ridiculous claim of how well this particular gel would hold hair in place. Some were “Ultra Hold” some were “Mega Hold” and even some were “Super Ultra Hold”. Once you get away from the words, you get into the numbers. Some are 9/10 and some are 10/10, but there are a few crazy ones that are 11/10. They apparently hold better than the perfect 10/10.

In these crazy terms I don’t know which is the best so I pick one that is blue because I like the color more than the others and all the hold claims mean nothing to me anymore. When will this nonsense end?

I figure that by the next time I need hair gel, they will just start putting glue in the bottles.

You can buy glue that you put in your hair and be done with it for a few weeks.

By |July 13th, 2005|News|0 Comments

Men’s Salon/Barbershop…Nothing funny.

So I was thinking, why don’t men have places they can go to get a haircut in a masculine setting? Where are the traditional male items like sports on plasma screens, black leather couches, dark burled walnut woods, boxscores, newspapers, and sports magazines on the coffee tables?

So I thought, that would be awesome for a man to have someplace like this where he could hang out for 30 minutes, get his hair cut, shoes shined, beard trimmed, all while talking about the Patriots winning the Superbowl, or Emmit Smith giving all the glory to God for his rushing career. This wouldn’t be a weird place, it would be more like the traditional barbershop of the 1950’s.

Sounds like a good idea right? I thought so too. It wouldn’t be anything weird, just a normal thing, like a bar, but without all of the alcohol and sin that is generally present at a bar. They could serve soda’s, coffee and other drinks and food. They could even have a connected cafe.

So it seemed like a good idea, but I didn’t exactly have the bankroll needed to start this thing, so like my other great ideas I forgot about it.

Then, out of the blue I am reading through a local magazine and I am hit from the right page with an advertisement that says “Men-U Salon“. So there goes another idea down the drain, but hey, at least you heard it here first!

By |July 8th, 2005|News|0 Comments

Flavor Shots – Coming soon to a restaurant near you.

So the rage this month is different shots in your Jamba Juice. You can get all different kinds of things like energy, and things to keep you healthy, smelling good, looking good, dressing better, and washing your car. They will even grind up some grass, squeeze it for you, and you can drink it. Do it at home and you’ll save $4.

However, what will the next rage be? I propose an idea right now, that I have never heard of. I propose the idea of “Flavor Sticks”. Flavor Sticks are different flavors that are put into a regular soda or any drink and add a kick of that flavor. You could get a Carmel Stick for your Pepsi. You could get a Taurine Flavor Stick that would have the same kick as a Red Bull Energy Drink. For that matter, why not a Red Bull Flavor Stick…

So we could make Flavor Sticks out of anything. You could add the tang of lemon, a straight Sugar Flavor Stick, or even that grass from Jamba Juice. Some weird people might even want to add a Taco Bell Flavor stick that would be a little spicy. You could have the Starbucks Coffee Flavor Stick that could be mocha or cinnamon.

Flavor Stick Construction: The Flavor Stick would essentially be an ice cube that was frozen with the Flavor instead of water. It would be a little shorter that the top of the glass it is going to go in, and would be shaped either like a straw or an ice cube. Well, that is my proposal, email me if you have a lot of money and want to run with this idea, I’ll give you the rest of my ideas 🙂

If history repeats itself a third time, look for Flavor Sticks at a restaurant near you in about a year.

By |July 8th, 2005|News|0 Comments