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About Brandon

I own and manage a professional reputation management services company. We specialize in ranking results. If your negatives are on page 1, what else is really important? Contact us to get rid of your negatives!

Working at work…Much healthier

For the last two years I have worked at work, but also played at work. I would work some, and work on my websites some. I would always finish what I had to get done, but never more.

I always did the minimum and went home. Recently my boss confronted me and told me to work at work and play at home. He said I was spending too much time on the internet…ouch.

Coming from a non-Christian boss, that is not a very good reflection of Christ in my life and workplace. I decided to change that. I stopped building websites and doing other internet stuff at work, and just decided to work while on the clock.

I don’t know if that is the reason for this increase in energy and feeling better, but I can honestly say that when I stopped playing, and started working, I have felt better every day. Maybe the Lord is blessing me for attempting to become more like Christ in the little things, but I don’t know.

From now on I will work at work, and play at home. It feels better mentally and physically.

By |July 3rd, 2005|About Me|0 Comments

Paul’s Letter to Philemon

Philemon was a believer in Jesus Christ, and a leader of the church in Colosse (or one of the surrounding areas) who was also a slave owner.

Philemon owned a slaved named Onesimus who had stolen from Philemon and then run away.

By God’s design, Onesimus met Paul and accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Onesimus knew that he had to go back to Philemon.

Onesimus’ problem was that under Roman law, if a slave stole from his master, that crime was punishable by death.

The book of Philemon is Paul’s plea to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus.

Paul starts his letter as was normal custom saying how the recipient was a fellow worker in the Lord, and also to Apphia who was most likely Philemon’s wife.

Paul then blesses them by saying, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

At this point, Paul uses his words to try to bring a smile to Philemon’s face. Gentle and uplifting words designed to appeal to Philemon.

Paul tells Philemon that he has heard of the great things Philemon has done for Christ and about Philemon’s love for all of the saints.

Paul then says something profound and theological deep in verse 6, “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Does this mean that if we are not sharing our faith that we will not have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ? Perplexing to say the least!

Paul continues on his lighthearted uplifting of Philemon saying that Philemon has brought Paul great joy in our Lord.

This is where Paul begins to get serious with Philemon and makes his reason for writing known.

Paul led Philemon to Christ, and is essentially the father of Philemon’s faith in Christ. Paul tells Philemon that he could “be bold” and “order” Philemon to do what’s right, he will actually appeal on the basis of love. He appeals to Philemon on the basis of his love not only for himself, but also for his new brother in the Lord Onesimus.

Onesimus means ‘useful’ and Paul writes a play on Onesimus’ name saying “Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.”

Paul says that this guy named ‘useful’ was actually useless, but now has fulfilled his name, and is useful to both of us as a Christian. He was once useless to Philemon as a thief and runaway slave, but has come to know Christ and on that alone, he is useful.

Paul now tells Philemon that Onesimus is coming back to him, and may have carried this letter himself back to his master, and possible death. God must have given him the strength and faith to go back to the man who could legally have him killed.

Paul says that he would have liked for Onesimus to stay with him because he is useful, but he didn’t want to keep Onesimus without Philemon’s consent. Paul implies in verse 14 that if Philemon wanted to send Onesimus back to Paul, it would be out of Philemon’s love, and not forced, and Paul would gladly take him and use him for the Kingdom of Christ.

In verse 15 Paul speculates as to why God would have Onesimus steal from his master then run away and meet Paul…Paul knows that this was in God’s plan.

Paul explains to Philemon that just maybe this was God’s will so that when Onesimus finally returned to Philemon, he would no longer be “useless” but become “useful” as him name implies.

Paul puts his neck on the chopping block in verse 17 saying welcome Onesimus like you would welcome me and that Paul would pay back any debts that are owed to Philemon from Onesimus.

Paul then takes a jab at Philemon in verse 18 saying that Philemon “owes” Paul his very self as Paul was responsible for leading Philemon to faith in Christ Jesus.

In verse 22 Paul ends this letter with another plea to Philemon that Philemon would not only do what Paul has asked him to do, release Onesimus from his debt, but do more.

Paul implies that Onesimus should be freed from his slavery! “Confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I ask.

Paul assumes the sale and tells Philemon that he is “confident” that Philemon will go above and beyond what he is “required” to do as a Christian, and to show his faith to a younger brother in the Lord.

How I wish to have the strength to forgive someone who offends me, and then to welcome them, disciple them, and see their love for our Lord grow day by day until the day He returns.

Lord, make me the man you desire of me. Help me to be like Paul, willing to put my reputation on the line for someone who has been changed by what your word, the Bible, says. Help me to show love to those who offend me. Help me to be forgiving like I think Philemon was in this case. Give me the desire to know you more like I was just converted like Onesimus. Give me the faith of Onesimus to go to places that your name is unwelcomed to share the love you have for humanity.

By |June 23rd, 2005|About Me|1 Comment

Excuses for falling asleep at work

Excuses For Sleeping At Work

10) ”They told me at the blood bank this might happen.”

9) ”This is just a 15 minute power-nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.”

8) ”Whew! Guess I left the top off the Wite-Out. You probably got here just in time!”

7) ”I wasn’t sleeping! I was thinking about the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.”

6) ”I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance.”

5) ”I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stess. Do you discriminate toward people who practice Yoga?”

4) ”Dang! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem.”

3) ”The coffee machine is broken…”

2) ”Someone must have put decaf in the wrong pot…”

1) ”… Jesus’ name, Amen.”

By |June 19th, 2005|General|0 Comments

GM’s Employee Price for everyone

General Motors announced the Employee Price for everyone deal. Everyone can buy at the employee price, no strings attached. On some vehicles there are still rebates!

However, for me this means long hours…two days ago 9 hours…yesterday 10 hours…today 12 hours…tomorrow I am off…and I plan to rest.

I can’t wait until July 5th when this special incentive is over.

By |June 18th, 2005|General|0 Comments