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About Brandon

I own and manage a professional reputation management services company. We specialize in ranking results. If your negatives are on page 1, what else is really important? Contact us to get rid of your negatives!

Fixing the Leaks in Your Life

Fixing the Leaks in Your Life

(Styrofoam cup illustration. Put a paper towel down into Styrofoam cup. During service, add water to cup. Throughout service, poke holes in the bottom of the cup with a needle…in the end, we are empty like the Styrofoam cup.)

Have you ever had something “dear to your heart�? maybe a “keepsake�??

What about a favorite something…something silly, but you really like it…maybe a favorite glass, a favorite tool, a favorite pen or pencil?

I am going to tell you a story about a man; I won’t mention his name because it would be self-incriminating. This man has a box.

It isn’t a big box…about this big. But in this box are all of the things that, for one reason or another, have found their way into the box as keepsakes.

This box, mysterious as it sounds, is just an ordinary box made out of ordinary cardboard. To this man, who prefers to remain anonymous, this box kept some of the most valuable things that he had.

This box contained things that some people would find “silly�? or “weird�?, but this box was his box, and he wanted to put his things in the box.

Kindly, this man has allowed me to bring his box and show you a few things that are in his box…will the box be presented.

You see, the things in this box may not be special to you, but they were special to me. I agree that they are silly things that don’t hold very much earthly value, but they did to me.

What earthly treasures do you have that someone else would find silly?

You’ve heard it said that “One mans trash is another mans treasure�?. Do you have treasure that other people would consider trash? Do you have a box of things that you hold dear to you?

Keep the imagination working, and imagine that those things that you hold dear were stolen from you. Imagine your “box�? being stolen. How would you feel?

You would be hurt…maybe devastated.

Now imagine that things were not just items…they were your creation…

Maybe you painted a painting, wrote a book, drew a picture, made something with your hands, what if your creation was destroyed and you had no backup…no copies.

You would be devastated.

Turn with me to Jeremiah chapter 2.

In Jeremiah 1 God gives Jeremiah words to speak, and talks to Jeremiah about what is going to happen. God gives Jeremiah visions of northern kingdoms attacking Jerusalem.

The reason that this is going to happen is because of Israel’s unfaithfulness.

Read Jeremiah 2:1-13.

This is the full text that we will be looking at tonight.

We are going to break it down verse by verse.

Read verse 2 – Do you remember your youth? Do you remember when you were chasing your bride to be?

For me it was not that long ago, so I remember it well. I would write letters to my wife and I would leave them in hidden places for her to find later.

I would also take a letter and put it in the mail to her, even though I was going to see her in a few hours just so she could get excited when she saw a letter in the mail box.

She would come to my work and leave little notes on my windshield…Do you remember the devotion of your youth?

Do you remember what it was like to only want to spend time with your husband or wife? Do you remember that?

That is what God is asking the Israelites…Do you remember your devotion to me?

Do you remember when you followed me through the desert?

Many times that I ask someone how they are doing, they say “fine�?…I ask if anything is bothering them, they say “no�?, but on the inside, there is a leak.

“A leak�? you say? Yes a leak. Time after time God wanted to bless the Israelites, and he poured it on…but time after time, the Israelites missed Gods blessings because everything he poured, leaked out.

How can a broken glass hold water? It can’t! It was the same way with the Israelites. It is the same way with us.

When we allow sin into our lives, we poke a small hole in our spiritual glass. With every sin, the further we are from being spiritually full and fulfilled.

Read Jeremiah 2:3 – This is God reminiscing about how his people used to care about him. They gave to the Lord before and above everything else. Do we today?

Israel was holy to the Lord in verse 3. How often do you see it written that God’s people are holy? Not very often.

God is just remembering the “good ol’ days�? when the Israelites didn’t have many holes in their glass, they followed his commands, and he blessed them for it.

The last part of verse 3 says that God dealt with anyone who messed with Israel. It is difficult for us to believe that God actually protects us, but he does.

Verse 5 – Why did your ancestors chose to leave me, once they found me…ignorance is bliss, but they knew God, and they turned from his…that is ridiculous…or is it?

Don’t we know God, who he is, where to find him, but we still turn from him and sin, and every sin that we hold onto pokes a hole into our glass.

You see, once we’ve found God, he desires the best for us, and he pours the water in our glass, all we have to do is follow his commands, but like Israel, we don’t. After that, the water starts seeping out.

Verse 6 – If it weren’t true, it would almost be sarcastic. God is saying, “why don’t you look for the Lord, after all, he did this and this and this�? read verse 6 again.

Like we talked about a few weeks ago, God gave the Israelites manna…food from heaven, and then they complained that the perfect food that would fulfill all of their nutritional requirements just wasn’t good enough…

But you know what they would say about us? You have the entire Bible…God’s plainly spoken word, and you don’t obey it?

You know about all of the miracles that God did and you don’t believe them? You know about the Messiah who was promised to return, and you don’t follow him.

We think the Israelites are crazy for not following God, but aren’t we just as crazy?

If we aren’t doing these things, we poke another hole in our glass. God desires to pour in a fulfilled life, but it slowly slips away from us.

Verse 8 – Where were the priests…the leaders in all of this? The leaders didn’t know where God was, and the prophets has false gods and idols!

If there is ever a false god or an idol preached from this pulpit, it will be the last time you ever see me here, and I hope that it is the same for you.

The leaders are held accountable for themselves, and the people. These Israelite leaders were useless…they didn’t know how to fix all of the holes in their cups.

Verse 11 – Has a nation ever changed its gods? Think about this, why was the United States of America founded? To escape religious persecution…What was the United States founded upon? The Word of God.

Has a nation ever changed its gods? What do you think…do you think our nation is still following Biblical principles in all it does? We can’t even have the 10 commandments in courthouses!

If it wasn’t for the 10 commandments in the first place, there wouldn’t even be courthouses!

Has a nation ever changed its gods? Israel did and God was not happy with them…America is changing and guess what, it does not make God happy either.

I don’t need to mention abortion, gay marriage, one nation under God…Did you know that there is a bill going to the senate that would revoke the Tax-exempt status of our churches in America if they don’t comply with things like gay marriage and abortion.

The government wants to tax churches based on what they say from the pulpit. It may not seem like a big deal, but turn over your morning bulletin and imagine having to increase the total yearly budget by 20% just to pay taxes!

Has a nation ever changed gods? Yes, and bad things happen when nations leave God.

I’m off my tangent now…

Verse 13 – Have we punched so many holes in our cup that we have forsaken God…do we still have the desire to follow God?

Do you even know God anymore…are the holes in your cup so numerous that you can’t even see that God has a desire to bless you and a greater plan for you life?

Do you have a holey cup…not holy in the Biblical term, but so many holes that God’s blessings are never even seen?

If we don’t patch the holes in our lives what happens?

– Show cup

EMPTY! At the end of our lives, we look back and we are full of holes…sure God’s blessing was on us, but it was useless…wasted.

Return to God tonight, make a commitment to patch the holes of sin that are prolific in your life!

By |July 18th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Sunday Evening Service Idea and Information

Evening Service Idea

Reason: Our reason for doing this is two-fold. We went to a few churches in Fresno trying to find somewhere we could call home. The more we looked, the more disappointed we became. We haven’t been anywhere that felt like home, except this church. We desire something that this church currently doesn’t offer, an evening service filled with contemporary worship and a topical message. The second reason for wanting to do this is that we feel our church is lacking services for young adults. We desire to rectify this situation.

Purpose: Our purpose for doing this is to provide a place for people of all ages to worship God. We want the people who attend this service to be involved in the planning, preparation and promotion of this evening service. We desire to do God’s Will and be involved in a ministry. We feel that this ministry is God’s Will for us at this point in our lives.

Atmosphere: As you walk in the lights will be dim and you will smell coffee and cookies. You will see people talking with each other and sitting at tables. You can pour yourself some of the free coffee at the table in the back, and get a plate of cookies if you want. No dress code is required, and casual dress is encouraged. There will be candles on each table and stage lights turned down low.

Sample Agenda: 7:00 p.m. – Arrive and enjoy coffee and snacks
7:15 p.m. – Welcome
7:20 p.m. – Worship begins
8:00 p.m. – Worship ends/Message Begins
8:30 p.m. – Dismiss

Worship Team: We don’t necessarily want the best musicians, but people who have a desire to worship God. We want people who normally wouldn’t worship God on a stage. This will most likely not be the same 5 people every week, but a rotating team of worshipers.

Message: The message will be short, less than 30 minutes. It will be topical, convicting and to the point. It will hit current events, everyday struggles and be focused on doing God’s will in your life. Sample messages – How to Benefit from the Bible – Song of Solomon walkthrough – Making your Faith Real – How to make Great Decisions – Marriages that Survive Rough Seas (a Biblical look at marriage) – Developing Habits that will Change your Life – Finding and Using your Spiritual Gifts.

Closing: My wife and I have chosen to do this, through our fear of rejection, to challenge the Faith of people, as well as our own, who attend this church. We had a few ministry ideas in mind, but after a few weeks of prayer, this is the one we feel God is leading us towards.

By |July 13th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Worship Leader Information

Worship Leader
Evening Service Idea

Worship Team Members: The Worship Leader will be responsible for choosing members of the band, developing worship teams and creating a rotating schedule if necessary.

Rehearsals: The Worship Leader is responsible for organizing a time and place for as many rehearsals that he feels is necessary. He will also be responsible for making sure the worship team members are on time and have ample time to set up and warm up. He will also be responsible for finding replacements when a worship team member cannot be at his scheduled Sunday night.

Music: The Worship Leader will be responsible for choosing songs that he wants to, with artistic freedom. He will be able to play them as he wants, adjust the lighting to create the desired mood and any other effects necessary.

Worship Team: We don’t necessarily want the best musicians, but people who have a desire to worship God. We want people who normally wouldn’t worship God on a stage. This will most likely not be the same people every week, but a rotating team of worshipers.

Setup/Teardown: The Worship leader will be responsible for the setup and teardown of the musical pieces. He may chose to have the Worship team assist in this, or assign others to this task.

By |July 13th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments

Developing the Heart of a Champion

A Heart for Others
INTRO-Use Me Here
 What are some of your wants? A WANT could be described as the opposite of a need.
 You NEED food, clothes, and shelter…you don’t NEED a new car, although you may think you do.

In one way or another, we’re all selfish, if you ever want something other than food, shelter, and clothes, you are selfish. Selfishness isn’t always a bad thing, but…

Developing the heart of a champion means having a heart like Jesus, not selfish or desiring anything, until everyone else has enough.

The top things students WANT to be taught are:
#1 End Times
#2 Revelation
#3 Relationships
#4 Lust

But, if you are always taught what you WANT to be taught, you’ll never be taught want you NEED to be taught.

The first part of the lesson deals with needs…


People have PHYSICAL needs
Food, Shelter, Clothing, Physical safety.

John 9
Read John 9:1-12

Jesus spits on this guy and after that, tells him to go wash…always a nice thing to do after spitting on someone.

For this man, Jesus helped him with a physical ailment.

This is one of many of Jesus’ miracles; he performed them in a lot of ways, including turning water into wine…that was a party.

Another way was walking on water.

Most miracles were done to heal and show Jesus’ power, as was the one done for the blind man.

People have EMOTIONAL needs
To be liked, understood, accepted, loved, respected, etc.

What makes you say, “I love this church�? or “I have great friends�?? You are loved and accepted when at church, and liked and understood when around your friends.

Luke 19
If you grew up in church, you know the story of Zacchaeus. If you didn’t grow up in church, you missed a silly little song. Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was…he. Anyways, Zacchaeus was a short guy, if the Bible makes a point to say your short, you must be pretty small.

Read Luke 19:1-9

This guy Zacchaeus was a Tax Collector, the most hated profession amongst the Jews, and worst of all, he was a fellow Jew.
Tax Collectors in this day were very crooked, they would take a little for themselves, and a little for the government, and everyone knew it.

So Jesus looks up in the tree and says “Wee little man come down.�? No no no, he says, “Zacchaeus, come down, I’m comin over.�?

When Jesus spoke to the little man in the tree, he spoke to him by name, he didn’t say “Hey, Buddy, come on down.�? He said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately.�?

As someone’s name is written into the book of life, it doesn’t say “Some guy in California.�? Jesus doesn’t say “Oh good, some guy in California is going to Heaven.�? He says “Oh good, Mike is going to Heaven.�? Or “John is going to Heaven.�? Jesus knows each of us by name.

People have SPIRITUAL needs
To be forgiven and reconciled with God.

You may have heard someone’s testimony in which they talk about a God-shaped hole. What that means is that, when God created each of us, he left a spot for himself. Without Christ, you just have a void. People try to fill that void with drugs, relationships, sex, friends, business, and it never works.

In John 4, Jesus spoke to a woman who was trying to avoid the fact that she was lacking something in her life.

John 4:19 She changes the subject off of herself, and onto a completely different subject.

Have you ever tried talking to someone, and they changed the subject?

You may say, “Hey, wanna come to church with me on Wednesday?�? and they say, “I can’t, I have homework to do, by the way, what did you get on your test?�?

They avoided the question, just like the woman at the well.

Even other people will claim to be “religious�?. Being “religious�? is great, but without a relationship, its nothing.

There will be “religious�? people who stand face to face with God, and he will say “depart from me, I never knew you.�? Don’t be that “religious�? person, be sure that you have a relationship with the only person that counts, God.

• Every person needs Christ (Romans 3:9, John 3:18)
• God loves every person and has provided for their salvation (John 3:16, Romans 2:4) Read Romans 3:22- We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. Rom. 3:22
• God desires to save each lost person (1 Timothy 2:4, 1 John 2:2)
• God has chosen to give the message of salvation through those who have experienced what they share.

• He wants to change you in ways we can never change on our own. AND GIVE YOU A REASON TO LIVE
• He wants to give you a reason to live.
• He wants to help you do the right thing.
• He wants to give you a heart for other people.
• He wants to save your soul and take you to heaven with him forever.

What in the world is better than these 5 things?

How can I develop a heart for others?

1. Show GENUINE concern for others
People are going to care about you, until you care about them.
2. Share your STORY
All Christians have a story, and nobody will argue with your story.
Zacchaeus had a story, after receiving and accepting Christ, he gave half his possessions to the poor, and paid back everyone four times the amount.

3. Extend an INVITATION
Studies show that about six out of ten people will reject you, but that leaves four out of ten just waiting for an invitation.

4. Expect a variety of RESPONSES
Mark 4:4-8

5. Follow-up with the POSSIBLE (love) and ask God for the IMPOSSIBLE (prayer)

One last thought:
Consider it a privilege that God allows you to be a part of the process of REACHING people for Him. Accept the challenge, believe God for results, and rejoice over CHANGED LIVES.

By |July 13th, 2005|About Me, Christian|0 Comments